Friday, May 30, 2008


Just wanted to give you an update on DailyClicks. Recently they had a problem with their pending AlertPay payouts. I had waited more than the 30 business days required for them to complete the audit process and was expecting payout at anytime, when much to my surprise, my pending payout of $43 had been refunded to my account.

I have to say I wasn't too happy about this but I have seen other ptc sites having the same problem. A friend of mine contacted DailyClicks and was informed of the error, with an apology for the inconvenience, but they asked her to resubmit her payout request. I was a little happier to hear this and proceeded to submit a new request.

Because I have a fairly active downline of 20 members, I was pretty happy to see a big increase in my new payout request. While I had only submitted a request of $43.84 on April 2nd, submitted the same day as my first payout, my new request (submitted May 24th) was for just over $100!

Not bad for a ptc site! If you're interested in making some extra money in your spare time, I hope you'll visit DailyClicks and join me:
Payout proof can be found on my webpage:

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