Thursday, November 26, 2009


Tonight I reached the minimum to request my first payout from SendEarnings. This is among the select few paid to read sites that pays nicely for reading their emails. The $5 signup bonus they started me with has helped reach the $30 minimum but finally, tonight, I now have enough to test their payout turn around time. The site has a net 30 day policy for payouts according to their terms.

"Check payments are processed on a Net-30 payment schedule. For example, if you request payment any day in the month of January, your payment is processed on March 1st. If the first of the month falls on a weekend or national holiday, payments are processed on the next working business day."

This is similar to the terms at their sister company InBoxdollars. Since I have had a very good payout history with them I was willing to test this one too. Since there are a few more days in this month I will wait a few more days to get as many extra emails as I can to increase my payout by a few more cents. I intend to request payout on Sunday 11/29/09 to see exactly how long the process takes. Based on the terms they probably won't cut the check until January but I anticipate having it by no later than mid January. (Requested payout 11/28/2009. Estimated date they cut the check is 1/4/2010) Here's the payout request page I took a pic of:

If you're interested in checking it out as a site that can help you earn some extra cash online, this one won't cost anything to join. If you're a US member you'll even get a $5 signup bonus to help get you started. Check it out below.

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