March has been a good month for me in my efforts to make a little extra money from free "get paid" sites. I've already received payouts from several sites, and added the newest payout proofs to my ptc earnings page for those of you that enjoy seeing the actual payouts.
ClixSense $40.95 check
AdverCash $12.28 check
NetWinner $25.00 new ecount MasterCard
EnchantedHits $10.00 paypal
Fishing4Mails $0.37 paypal
DonkeyMails $1.30 paypal
ClixNCash $1.02 paypal
APairOf $1.01 paypal
So far, that's $91.93 in payments received this month and there's still another week to go.
As of today, I have requested two more payouts which I will add to my pending payouts list. I reached enough to request payout at Bux3 with the help of 2 referrals and Buxa.In without any help. With any luck, I'll be adding XClix to the list in the next few days as I'm very close to their low $5 minimum. As I continue to work thru my list of sites each day, it's very rewarding to watch as this list continues to grow too. Once you have enough to request payout, it can be a matter of waiting for the site to audit your account and THAT can take quite some time depending on the site.
Site Date Amount Method Status
Bux3 21 Mar 2008 08:55 10.19 - Payment Audit
BuxTo 02 Dec 2007 08:29 PM $ 10 - Pending Audit
Buxa.In 21 Mar 2008 06:22 5.0550 - Pending Audit
ClickBux Early March? $6.99 - Pending Audit
DailyClicks 05 Feb 2008 11:17 33.08 - Pending Audit
SendMoreInfo Mar. 03, 2008 $10.07 Processing
While I was very pleased to get my new ecount card from NetWinner, it was unfortunately two months late (per their terms). Part of this was because I requested the payout before they even had the cards, so I waited patiently and it has finally paid off. Now that I have mine, the remaining 4 payouts I've accumulated will be paid in $25 increments over the next four months, so it should be back to regular monthly payments again. I'm glad I continued playing free games there as NetWinner had a very good payment history for me when I was redeeming for Walmart giftcards. I hope the trend continues as they continue the process of switching to a new payment processor. This payout makes a total of $300 out of $400 paid.
I had also anticipated adding Bux.To and DailyClicks to the list of payouts received but both seem to be experiencing delays. According to the Bux.To forum, Bux.To has hired additional staff to get caught up on payouts, so with any luck, this might still happen in March. The pending payout is only for $10 but I really look forward to requesting the next one, lol. With the help of 10 referrals, I've already earned another $44.74 but it'll take 90+ calendar days for that one to process, once I am able to make the request.
No way to find out about DailyClicks as they seem to have moved their forum & chatroom links to point to their new site. As an upgraded member there, the terms state 30 business days to process payouts, so I hope this audit is finished in the next few days too. They only allow one payout request at a time too, so once this payout is complete, I'll be starting the clock on a new payout of over $32 and counting.
ClixSense has continued to be a strong earner for me and I noticed I've averaged about $2 a day this month even though I haven't spent as much time clicking ads. This tells me I have a very happy downline. They have to be upgrading and buying ads because that's the only way I earn from the members I've referred. I've really been amazed with the affiliate earnings from this site and consider the $10 I spent to upgrade well worth the cost! I was checking my stats recently ( ) and noticed that in less than 3 months I have already earned more than I did for most of 2007 and only 19 of my 35 referrals are still active. And that's what I earned on top of clicking ads! With another week plus in March, I can already see ClixSense sending me my biggest check yet.
Whether the payouts come this month or next, March has already surpassed my previous average of $50 a month in payouts, so I'm pretty happy. I've already earned enough at ClixSense to get another good check from them next month, so if any of these payouts come thru next month, it'll make for an even better April.
It just goes to show you... Those pennies really DO add up! :)
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