Saturday, May 31, 2008

Promoting ClixSense

This month I decided to work on a splash page and a webpage to promote ClixSense. They both contain the same information, but in a different layout, different colors, etc. as they are free advertising tools provided by different hosts.

The splashpage I created on TEToolbox turned out much nicer than I thought it would and didn't take very long to set up. Setting up a splashpage like this, with links instead of images, allows your page to load faster when you're promoting it on the traffic exchanges. In this way, the viewer can click the link if they're interested in viewing the attached details.

If you'd like to check out my new ClixSense Splashpage, created for free at TEToolBox, please click here: If you'd like to create a free TEToolBox splashpage to promote your favorite site, just click the link at the very bottom of the page.

As I mentioned, I have provided the same information on a webpage I created for free with googlepages, , but you'll notice the information is provided in a different format. Googlepages makes it easy for even a beginner to create a free webpage about anything you can think of. I am very proud of my stats and realised that I could insert snapshots of my account particulars to show others how quickly the earnings add up when you upgrade your account. When I have new snapshots to update, I just upload the images to my image folder and the new, updated images are automatically updated on any of the pages I've added the image to. Quite a time saver!

I'm pretty happy with the pages now and have been promoting both pages on several of the free traffic exchanges I use for the last week and I'm quite happy to report that I've had 6 new signups for this month.

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