Sunday, June 1, 2008


In order to get signups for the sites I make money with, I have to have traffic to my pages. In order to generate traffic, I have joined quite a few free traffic exchanges. Now it's just a matter of surfing them.

Ask yourself these questions:
How many traffic exchanges do you surf?
Do you remember the last time you surfed them?
Would you like an easier way to promote them?

If you have a hard time getting thru your traffic exchanges, I would like to suggest a free organizational tool I use. It's called MySurfSites. In addition to helping you stay organized, it can also help you build your downlines for the traffic exchanges you belong to. By building your downlines in the free traffic exchanges, you can build your credits faster and easier because the traffic exchanges give you free credits when your downline surfs. The more downline members you have surfing, the more credits you'll earn!

This site lets you keep track of all your free or paid traffic exchanges along with your credit earning links. By opening your traffic exchanges from your MysurfSites control panel, you'll be able to see the last time you surfed each one or login to the exchange of your choice to edit the sites you're promoting on them.

Additionally, MySurfSites provides it's members with pages to promote all the exchanges you have on your list in a fast loading splash page. My Promo Page:

Splash pages seem to work really well when used on the free traffic exchanges, mainly because you only have your visitors attention for less than a minute. MySurfSites provides it's members with free splash pages customized to the traffic exchange you're using. Instead of having to create separate splash pages for each exchange, all you have to do is enter one URL and when tested, you'll find the "exchanges" name has now been added to your splash page.

It's Great! Check it out for yourself:

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